Impact Of Organizational Climate On Work Life Balance Of Medical College Nurses




Job satisfaction, organizational climate, health sector, nurses


Depending on the definition, a hospital is a medical facility that offers palliative, rehabilitative, curative/ameliorative, or preventive care. The effectiveness of a hospital is primarily determined by the Caliber of its workforce's labour. The way that members view the organization is measured by its organizational climate. It is made up of a variety of traits and elements that workers believe to be true about their organisation. It functions similarly to an indicator of how a worker feels about organizational life. The purpose of this study is to examine how medical college nurses' work-life balance is affected by their workplace culture.

A scale was created by developing a questionnaire based on prior research, and its validity, reliability, and normalcy were assessed.Role clarity, communication, career and development, incentive system, relationship, teamwork, support, and direction are the independent variables in organizational environmentand employee performance is the dependent variable. This study used a cross-sectional survey approach with an explanatory and descriptive research design. Survey questionnaires on a Likert scale of 1 for strongly agree and 7 for strongly disagree were distributed. 45 people made up the study's sample size, which was gathered utilizing the random probability sampling technique. The gathered data was analysed using regression and descriptive means using SPSS 2.O. Based on the SPSS 2.0 regression test, this study discovered that every one of the chosen organizational environment factors had a favourable and substantial effect on worker performance. The study's beta coefficients are positive and high for every aspect of organizational climate, suggesting that it has a significant influence on worker performance.                       





How to Cite

PRASAD.P, Dr. G. PASUPATHI. (2024). Impact Of Organizational Climate On Work Life Balance Of Medical College Nurses. Onomázein, (64 (2024): June), 407–412. Retrieved from


